This Venus Midway Thing ~ 04 Aug 2023


This past Monday, I snapped this photo with the Moon conjunct Pluto in Capricorn, both quincunx Venus in Leo, retrograde, and while enjoying the exactitude of Mars in Virgo trine Jupiter in Taurus. While it may be a trifle difficult to discern, this is a view of the setting Sun filtered through welcome shafts of monsoon rainfall. In fact, the showers this evening reduced the temperature from 111° (about 44 C) to 75° (24.4 C) in minutes. What a relief! Within the sound of falling rain, the saguaro cacti could be heard sipping water from the soil. If only it could have lasted longer. Today we are headed toward our forty-eighth day of consecutive 100°+ days. I’ve been pondering this picture this week as a parallel to the way life feels currently.

Mars in Virgo remains a critical player in how things get accomplished these days. Those who demonstrate impeccability move forward with ease, generating the sensation of relief. Mars still trines Jupiter, though waning, benefit may still be gleaned. Currently Mars sextiles Psyche in Scorpio, taunting dreams to stir the deepest desires and passions within. Then, with his conjunction to Orcus, Mars provokes one to promise to do everything required to achieve exceptional results with conscientiousness, thoroughness, and most important, with the impeccability of promises made to be completed.

One more quick note here before getting to Venus. Orcus in Virgo now trines Jupiter in Taurus. Orcus, to the Etruscans, reigned as the lord of the underworld and held dominion over vows, promises, oaths and the upholding of all those things. What’s a big deal in the cosmos right now, commitments made to a course of action or any oath taken for whatever reason and the intentional actions taken on behalf of those proclamations.

Venus stands out as a most interesting planet. Of the classical planets, this shimmering body possesses the roundest orbit. She is least likely to be retrograde. Should one stand unprotected on her surface, the atmosphere would be toxic and corrosive, the pressure virtually crushing, and the gravity most unpleasant as one roasts from the extreme temperatures. Still, she shimmers!

Venus transits can be sticky wickets. Venus transits stir deep emotions. If one starts out to make a list of counting ones blessings, they may instead end up with a list of things for which one yearns and does not yet possess - pretty much the Venus point to be made. You want what you want, period. What you want is not the same as what you need. It’s what you want, and that is that.

Soon, as in 13 August, Venus and Sun conjoin in Leo. Here two of the four brightest objects in our solar system merge with the sole intention of creating “yearning lists.” For purposes of discussion here, a yearn is something that ones spirit craves and cannot be denied. A yearn often reflects the desires to fulfill ones path in life. A yearn can also define the passion one feels as the soulful substrate of exploiting ones creative attributes without reservation. Ultimately, a yearn reflects the passion to collect all skills cultivated in life and blend them with God-given gifts and talents derived from previous successful karmic fulfillment. Such passion fulfills all lunar-based needs and satisfies the desire profiles of Pluto. In such stirring, one applies the best of all cosmic insight received whether from personal spiritual drill, the constant pinging of insightful pulsars, the whispers of black holes, or the downloads provided by the core of our galaxy and other supermassive galactic gravitational sources.

In the next nine days or so, it is appropriate to develop all latent urges for purposes of conscious recognition. It is most perfect to permit desire and passion to froth the subtle cues of creative desire. It is fine to want what you want without comparison to “norms,” the expressed wishes of others or the ability others may have contrasted with your own abilities. This is a comparison-free zone. And, oh by the way, the retrograde Venus to Sun conjunction marks the midpoint of Venus retrograde. Once halfway, it’s a downhill run, right?

Before we get to the Sun-Venus conjunction, on 07 August, Venus in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus. This aspect stands concurrent with the Sun in Leo square to Jupiter in Taurus. The Sun to Jupiter pattern is one of ever-expanding hopes, wishes and desires summoning the will to do whatever it takes to make desire essentials manifest. Venus square Uranus reminds all cosmic travelers that whatever you wanted before and pursued, regardless of results, cannot be compared to what unfolds now - yet another aspect of the comparison-free zone. Efforts exerted before regardless of outcomes need not apply. Why? Because the Sun-Jupiter square stresses all claims, boundaries, expectations and more to explore well beyond the beyond. This time, ask for everything... and let it be felt from your aura that anything less than simply will not do.

The upcoming Venus-Uranus square also represents a midpoint. The quadrature is the second of these aspects that occur with the current Venus retrograde thing. The first of these aspects goes back to 1 July. What were you wanting then? Bigger and better than ever before? Tired of inflation? Take time to assess all personal attributes, amplify them, hone them, polish them, then apply them without reservation. Inflate yourself to full capacity. This leads to a campaign to secure fulfillment of all passions in a means that clearly has never occurred before in the history of personal pursuit. Pursue without expectation as it is known that Uranus classically manifests in the realm of the unimaginable. This pattern concludes with the third Venus/Uranus square on 29 September. Okay, so in another two months or so, the manifestation of today’s efforts become perceivable low-hanging fruit. Likely results before that time may appear pithy. Hang in, refine desires, and assert the fullness of the agenda of Leo in your life for optimum results.

One final pattern soon approaches the midway point. On 22 August, Venus in Leo squares Jupiter in Taurus for the second of three events. The inflected desires of this transit seek yum yum fulfillment. Better than ever before. Richer than previous iterations. More substantial and satisfying than ever known... the direct reflection of the assertion of all ones value expressed without limitation. To fully cultivate this square, revert to the first occurrence of 10 June. What did beyond the beyond look like then? How must it be embellished now? Assume that with full personal application results may fairly be expected to appear on or about 16 September when the third and final square of this sequence completes. Can things be better than before? Yes. Given one sense of self fills the orb of influence sought in life, most certainly.

Between 16 and 29 September, a fuller expectation of what may be derived from 2023 comes into clear focus. More, the Venus stirring intends to establish the powerful yearning essential for any and all seeking to grab the 21 April 2024 Jupiter to Uranus conjunction in its fullest.

Finesse and polish any and all aspects of self within the next two months into the most brilliant luster possible! Apply all without attenuation or apology and let the gains begin!

More soon.